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September 3, 2020

ACCESS Changelog August, 2020

## 0804
- Explicit listing students and their pre-defined section/block as basis for online enrollment

## 0815
- Notify students via email for any changes in assessment

## 0819
- Send payment information as a request for posting

## 0825
- Roster of student contact information by course and year

## 0826
- Depreciate pop-up window for sending student password

## 0827
- Check for curriculum unit overload; bypassed by admin users or Registrar

August 1, 2020

ACCESS Changelog July, 2020

## 0703
- Change course for Admission Advisors
- Send subjects and assessment upon changing of course/year
- UserAPI for basic info, password check, and clearance calls

## 0706
- UserAPI for classes
- Fix: Document Request Status page
- Fix: Column-based restriction

## 0707
- Update: Grades update for Admin permission if the request for changes is disabled
- Add email if set from the Password-Send routine
- Attribute transaction to cashier when transfering payments from applicant to student
- Custom: Email color template

## 0709
- Student-applicant can change course and level
- Generate SubjectList per year level as basis for enlistment
- Add notification options for student account changes sent/approved via email
- Fetch classes scheduled in a room
- Advisers can add or remove class schedules

## 0714
- Notify academic heads upon payment of the admission fee
- Add payment information on the roster of enlistment

## 0720
- Search reference number from the Admissions dashboard
- Enable Registration for Admission dashboard users

## 0721
- Confirmation button on the Registrations and Enlistment Monitoring Report
- Send email to student upon confirmation of all subjects

## 0725
- Consolidate payment routine for multi-payor, single receipt adopting single-payor instances

July 2, 2020

ACCESS Changelog June, 2020

## 0601
- Adjust procedure to include transferees
- Clearance feature on the HR User Profile with grades review

## 0604
- Integration of Composer for 3rd-party plugins

## 0603
- Request and approve via email any changes in the grades of students after being locked

## 0605
- Update Course Information Management
- Share Registration and Enlistment Monitoring Report via email
- Clean old and unused XAccess permission URLs
- Junior High School Diploma text template

## 0608
- Extend notice of confirmation for application to include the next procedure
- Curriculum-subject fixes

## 0609
- Send email via the StudentPopup with options to include profile, enlistment, assessment, statement of account and password

## 0610
- [Option] Log email messages for tracking purposes
- Email acknowledgement receipt image
- Email on-demand acknowledgement receipt with system-generated response
- Diploma template for Elementary
- Re-enable reset password
- Fixes: Curriculum subject order by term and yearlevel

## 0611
- Include contact information on Student Profile at StudentPopup
- Add SetAsNew and SameAsStudent feature for online registration

## 0616
- Generate diploma v2 template for Higher Education

## 0617
- Auto-input latest input for signatories on diploma based on latest entries
- Allow selection of diploma template if other versions are available
- Fix: Projected assessment for online enrollment
- Deeper condition for dropping subjects relative to grades
- Senior High School diploma template

## 0618
- Include inactive courses in the Student Profile to accommodate document preparation
- Display schedules that do not have final ratings during the term

## 0619
- Display list of pending requested documents
- Display list of students under specific curriculum

## 0622
- Add upload page for applicants for admission after confirming application
- Fix: Student check for grades
- Accept or reject option for uploaded files for admission
- Attribute uploads to student upon admission/registration
- Realign Permanent Record generation to customizable pages

## 0625
- Daily crontab to notify list of enrollees

## 0626
- Admission Dashboard: list of applicants and their records
- Admission Dashboard: display applicant basic information
- Payment of Reservation Fees or Admission Fees at the Non-Tuition Fee Payment; Transactions transfered upon Registration

## 0628
- Student-Applicant provided with sample classload and assessment
- Student-Applicant update Information
- Student-Applicant Login through Reference Number + Verification Code or Preset URL
- List Student-applicant addresses
- Categorize uploads from student-applicant
- Toggle enlargement of text at the Admissions Dashboard
- Send email to student-applicant at the Admissions Information panel

June 1, 2020

ACCESS Changelog May, 2020

## 0505
- upgrade class.language to adopt DataCore structure
- Registration update for flexible fields defined per instance
- Send Student latest copy of enlistment with option to add message
- ACCESSurl for Admission/Registration information
- ACCESSurl for Enlisment Table

## 0506
- Inherit default JS functions into AJAX calls

## 0508
- Add document request information for emails sent to dean for approval
- Reset assessment on the document request
- Add fees assessment even after payment
- Remove document request

## 0511
- Display information of applicant for admission

## 0512
- Copy to clipboard
- Statement of Account by Ledger Type
- Verifiable QRCode on the Statement of Account
- Auto check and set inactive students if not enrolled within the most recent 2 consecutive schoolyears
- Disable system entry for inactive students
- Disable system entry for parents/guardians with inactive wards

## 0513
- Replace "discount" with "scholarship" for statement of account
- Email student statement of account PDF
- Email student schedule and assessment PDF

## 0514
- Add text after Subject Description on OTR
- Modify subsequent payment transaction made as single receipt upon approval of changes

## 0515
- Roster of student balances/overages on the Class Advisory Monitoring
- Move Email template as school-customization option
- Send via email the Student Balances to Advisers

## 0516
- Send bulk message to all students with option to reset passwords
- Display previous semester schedules of student if currently is not enrolled
- Display CSS for social media accounts
- Default Email template

## 0517
- Fix: Previous term for student
- Update: grade display with balances will be checked per term
- Fix: Display currently-enrolled schedules if grades are not yet recorded

## 0520
- Process Document Requests based on origin site
- Student Clearance Management
- Send email request to identified Personnel

## 0521
- Round-off average numerical rating for character development before interpretation

## 0522
- Revise Statement of Account for lesser rows
- Revise Bulk emailing to send one every cycle of request
- Payment by other will be displayed in Statement of Account
- Display Email Address(es) at the Enlistment Module
- Option to include Student Account Information is the email message at the Enlistment Module

## 0526
- List students at the Student Clearance Monitoring
- Fix: student roster for updating clearance signatories
- Follow up approval of Student Clearance at monitoring module
- Update: Generate previous Grading Sheets if user is the Registrar
- Regular|Express option for Document Requests
- Set document request handler email as source of email messages
- Fix: rounding off character development grades only for Final Rating   

## 0527
- Fix: display of the Final Term Character Development Grade
- Fix: Grade display for updating at Final Term Grade entry
- Font generation script for PDF use

## 0528
- Code Review and various fixes
- Disable generation of Diploma if student has balance and  config 'withbalancenograde' is set

## 0529
- Add FirstName,MiddleName,Female as criteria for duplicate student
- Add general average for Grading Sheet screen view
- Limit download of grading sheet using time-based limitations and permissions
- Bulk payors by reusable Batch Number

## 0530
- Round-off general weighted average at the Grading Sheet screen view

## 0531
- Strengthen hash for password-fields

May 1, 2020

ACCESS Changelog April, 2020

## 0404
- Add Grade Entry at the K12 Permanent Record
- Confirm grade entry by another admin user

## 0407
- Prepare new framework as a prelude to version 12

## 0408
- HTTP Error 404 handler
- Physical to relative path parsing

## 0409
- Present Portal Pages
- User Login handler

## 0410
- Relative to physical path parsing

## 0411
- Trim /main files

## 0413
- Trim ajax files for preliminaries

## 0414
- Tests for student AJAX files

## 0415
- Obfuscate AJAX URL per user per day 
- Trim for includes

## 0416
- Add instructor name on students' portal
- Fix Menu includes

## 0417
- move Scholarship management
- SMS notify student upon
    + posting of payment
    + approval for ledger posting
- SMS notify owner of contact number when added

## 0423
- Reactivate online registration with email confirmation
- Use Reference ID for Registration
- Auto Register from Reference ID if unique record
- Auto send student account password if email is provided
- Request update display for occupational information

## 0423
- With more than one search result on student registration by reference id, list student for updating
- List student applications bound for registration/updating

## 0427
- autoset curriculum id during registration, update of student's course
- Registration, enlistment statistics

## 0428
- Auto-parse saving of Occupation details
- Config option for auto-enlistment upon payment of Reservation Fee
- Cronjob to Auto-enlist students upon payment of Reservation Fee 
- Notify Registrar upon payment of student for Tuition Fee for confirmation

## 0429
- Enrollment Procedure as a menu item on the portal

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